Night lenses

Night lenses in Bratislava (Slovakia)

The latest technology for the treatment of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism in Slovakia is refractive therapy with night lenses ESA (orthokeratology), it is presented at the LENZDravie vision center in Bratislava.

We offer you a new product: refractive therapy with ESA night contact lenses:

• WITHOUT surgery

• WITHOUT glasses

• WITHOUT soft contact lenses

When are nighttime contact lenses prescribed?

Therapeutic contact lenses for night wear are designed to correct myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism.

Imagine this situation: You wake up in the morning and… TAKE OFF (!) your contact lenses! You can see perfectly and clearly all day long, WITHOUT glasses, WITHOUT daily contact lenses and WITHOUT surgery.

Before going to bed, you put on your night contact lenses again and… sleep in them all night! You wake up in the morning and… TAKE OFF… etc. Excellent vision lasts all day!

Above, we described a course of corneal refractive therapy using ESA gas-permeable polymer therapeutic contact lenses for night wear, which gently change the curvature of the corneal surface during sleep.

Principle of refractive therapy

The principle of refractive therapy is close to the principle of laser refractive surgery, therefore the result of refractive therapy is similar to the result of surgical operations – flattening of the central part of the cornea, which allows you to see well without glasses and contact lenses. The only difference is the duration of the effect. If you stop wearing night lenses, after a few days the cornea will return to its previous shape and your original vision will return. Although refractive therapy does not eliminate the need to wear night contact lenses on a regular basis, the ability to restore the original vision that was before using night lenses is the main advantage of this method over refractive surgery. The consequences of unsuccessful laser surgery cannot be returned.

The method of refractive therapy (orthokeratology) was certified in 1998 in the USA (FDA approval) and in the European Union (EU).

Who are night lenses recommended for?

Corneal refractive therapy with night lenses is the optimal non-surgical correction method and is indicated for the following groups:

• growing child and teenager;

• people leading an active lifestyle;

• people involved in sports;

• people who want to remove glasses and do not want to have surgery.

In orthokeratology, the patient wears special contact lenses (night lenses) at night, removes them in the morning and has 100% vision during the day without glasses or contact lenses.

Safety of orthokeratology

This effective method has long been used in the USA, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and Germany, etc.

In Russia, ESA orthokeratology lenses have been used for more than 20 years.

We use night lenses (orthokeratology lenses) of the latest generation ESA in our practice.

Night lenses cannot be purchased in an online store – they are selected by an ophthalmologist/optometrist and are made individually for each patient.

Active lifestyle

Orthokeratology removes the limitations associated with wearing glasses and regular contact lenses.

By wearing these lenses at night, during the day you are no different from absolutely clinically healthy peers with 100% vision and you do not have the limitations of glasses and soft contact lenses.

Children and teenagers

Night lenses are currently the best that medicine can offer to myopic children:

– children often do not want to wear glasses because of ridicule from their peers.

– children do not practice good hygiene and usually lose their daily contact lenses.

– children should not undergo laser surgery until they are 18-20 years old.

– orthokeratology lenses have been proven to slow down the development of myopia in children and adolescents.

We will be pleased to teach you how to use night contact lenses. Believe us, it is not as difficult as it looks at first glance. After a few days of wearing lenses, this activity will become your daily routine, taking 2-3 minutes of your time.

Make life without glasses and daily contact lenses a reality!

Feel free to call us if you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them.


Our phone: +421 696 852 820


0696 852 820

Orto K, Ortho K, Orto-K,Ortho-K

Our address:

Poliklinika Šusteková, 2nd floor

Šustekova 2422/2, 851 04 Petržalka, Bratislava

How to get to us by public transport:

stop Bosákova, buses No. 84, 99, 96, 196